Astrology Houses –7 And 8
Miseries & Sorrows

Kannan M

Seventh House

Among astrology houses, the 7th shows your legal bondage. It can be with your wife or business partner.

It can be with your business client or Government. It shows contracts and memorandum of understandings.

It refers to litigation and duels. It shows court cases and judgments, break of partnerships and divorce.

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Sub Lord Of 7 Answers

This house indicates break in such relationships. It also indicates your break of journey.

In horary astrology, the sub lord of the 7th cusp gives all the answers. A favorable 7th house testifies to your sociable nature.

House of Death

Among your astrology houses, the 7th is called the house of death. It shows danger to life.

Death comes when the conjoined period of the significators of ascendant, badaka, and maraka sthanas conjointly run.

Wars & Treaties

The 7th house shows your business, honor, influence, and reputation in foreign countries.

For a Government, it indicates bilateral talks, relationships, international trade, embassies, ambassadors, foreign affairs, wars, and treaties.

Describes Thief

Among astrology houses, the 7th house describes the thief. It also shows recovery of lost property.

It gives you the clues to the finance of your servant. It shows danger to your secret enemy, his difficulties, and death.

Describes Lover

In Love Match Astrology, it refers to your lover. It confirms his love. It shows his health and longevity. It gives you the clues about his features and character. It shows his disposition, dignity, honor, and riches.

Eighth House

Among the astrology houses, your 8th house shows longevity or span of life. It helps to know the time of Death. It refers to deaths by drowning, fire, accidents, suicide, and also by riots, arson, and earth quakes.

Bad Luck

Your 8th house indicates your worry, misfortune, misery, sorrow, and atonement in solitude. It also refers to your difficulties, disappointments, delays, and defeats. It governs your loss, impediment, and obstruction.


Among astrology houses your 8th alone is responsible for accidents. It also signifies danger from your enemies. It governs all your wrong actions. Any looting, theft, robbery, fighting, and raids are indicated by your 8th house.

Unearned Wealth

Your 8th house tells you about the dowry that you receive and any such unearned wealth. It explains a sudden increase in your bonus. It refers to your dividends and share of profits. It explains the unexpected donations.

National Grief

Among astrology houses, the 8th governs public mortality and the national death rate. It shows serious accidents, infections, flood, fire, famine, virus attacks, disease, earth quakes, tsunamis or any such national calamities.

Trade & War

The 8th house shows your country’s financial relations with other foreign countries. It refers to imports and exports. It also shows your debts to other nations. It shows surrender or losing your war with other countries.

Accurate Predictions

If you have questions on astrology about your health, disease, business, wealth, family, career, future, marriage, or love affairs, you can contact Expert Astrologer Dr.J.Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa Disciple of Kannan M with your questions by the contact form.

Contact us if you want to start a business, or fix a marriage. If you want success, do it by getting your most auspicious date and time fixed by Dr.J.Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa Disciple of Mr. Kannan M. Consult about success or failure in your life, business, finance, law suits, or love. Apply now for our most accurate predictions.

Astrology Houses 1 2 3     4 5 6     7 8    9 10    11 12

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